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Have you ever lost a slide or a presentation? Tell us about it and you could win!

Let’s be honest. If you’ve spent any time at all working with PowerPoint, you know what it’s like to misplace a really important slide or presentation. Sometimes you can’t remember where you saved it. Sometimes you lost the thumb drive it was saved on. Sometimes you have the file but the slide you need was deleted or changed beyond recognition and you don’t have a backup.

Losing slides may be one of life’s universal experiences but each lost slide story is unique and we really want to hear yours. Share your lost slide tale of woe with us and we’ll enter you to win a free year of SlideSource ($216 value). We’ll also post our favorite stories on our blog so at least you may be able to salvage some minor internet fame from the whole unfortunate episode (we promise we wont reveal your identity). You can submit your story and enter our prize drawing here.






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